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Let's Get Together!

Youth is the exciting heartbeat of the new generation of Christians! This community is all about being deeply founded in the Gospel and Bible - but having some epic fun too! We know that at the core of community is relationships, so as a part of Pathfinders Youth, we hope you find relationship, belonging, connection and a place to call home. 


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Growing together, rooted firmly in faith and having fun whilst doing it is us! We desire to see young teenagers transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Choosing to live a life of fullness and wholeness in their identities. By having fun, playing games, learning about the Bible, and have social events we can reach these outcomes through relationship.​ Growing in our faith and understanding of God's plan for our lives. Forming strong connections and relationships with others along the way. Thursdays: 7-8:30pm weekly.

Contact Kristian Reid or Nikki Mee for more information.

Want to Learn More?

We love working with teenagers and sharing the awesome love and knowledge of Christ Jesus to help inform and develop the next generation. If you want to know more, be involved, or are just curious about something, get in contact with our Leader of Children and Youth Ministries - Kristian Reid.

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