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Need Prayer? Want to Pray?
Prayer is the intimate language of communicating with our creator. By this we can see miracles happen, transformation occur, and general care for our weary hearts and souls as we traverse our lives. If you are need of prayer we would love to pray for you! Need healing? Let us pray for that too! If you want to be involved - get amongst it.
Our Prayer Group meets every Tuesday to Friday morning to pray together at 8.30am – 9.30am in the Prayer Room at OCC. All are welcome to participate in prayer for our church family, our community, and for those in our wider world.
Prayer Chain: For specific prayer needs and requests, we will organise a prayer chain. All prayer requests are confidential. Please contact Olwyn: 07 548 0682.
From time to time, we may organise a 24-hour prayer for a pressing need.
At ÅŒmokoroa Community Church.
Mondays 1-3pm excluding public holidays.
Healing rooms provide a safe, confidential environment where you can receive prayer from a small team.
We pray for physical healing and/or any issues troubling you. Please pay a visit.
All welcome, just turn up!
Want to Learn More?
Prayer & Healing are a major part of the Christian Doctrine - Jesus is both the great intercessor for us , teaching us how to pray to the Father. Furthermore, Jesus healed many in his day and continues to do so by His will and authority. We want to get behind you in your journey with God through prayer so please get in contact if you want to learn more about what we do surrounding prayer and healing.
Contact information above / office@theocc.org.nz